
About Me
Finding A Better Loan

Do you remember the last time you ran out of money? If you are like most people, you might find yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for extra cash more often than not. I realized that I needed some extra money a few months ago when we were building a house and our daughter was hurt, so I started talking with different loan and financing professionals to see what my options were. After I sorted out what I needed, the experts really helped me to find a loan that worked with my lifestyle. Check out this blog for great information on loans.


Two Tips For Locating A Bail-Jumping Defendant

23 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you help a loved one and bail them out of jail, it can feel like a kick in the gut when they suddenly disappear and don't show up for their court appointments. Since you will lose your money or property if the defendant fails to appear, locating the person is paramount to your financial health. Here are a couple of things you can do to find a bail-jumping defendant. Read More …

Want To Flip Houses? Why You Should Get A Short Term Fix-And-Flip Loan

29 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Flipping houses can be a fun and profitable way for you to build up your financial portfolio. There is a certain thrill that comes along with finding a suitable property, putting together the right crew to do the work and finally placing the house back on the market for sale that you typically can't find with other vocations. If you've been hearing about flipping houses and maybe even know a few people who have done it, you might be ready to take the plunge. Read More …

3 Routes For Service Members Who Want To Become Landlords

3 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Are you a military service member who wants to set up an added income stream for life? Becoming a landlord is one of the best ways to do just that. If you want to get into the landlord business but aren't sure how to start, why not try one of these proven paths?  The 'Eventual Landlord' Route Becoming a landlord is a long-term business venture, so there's no reason to rush into things. Read More …

Choose The Right Mortgage When You’re Ready To Buy Your First Home

18 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Getting a mortgage for your first home is probably one of the most stressful parts of the home-buying process. Mortgages can be difficult to understand, and you want to know your options since a home is a huge investment you'll be paying down for a long time. Here are some loan options to talk over with a mortgage lender when you're buying your first house. A Fixed-Rate Mortgage With Set Payments Read More …

How To Get Your Property Back After Your Relative Jumps Bail

5 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

You stuck your neck out for them and traded your property deed for a bail bond to get them out of jail -- you had that much faith and trust in this person you sprung from jail. Now they are gone, and you are homeless because of it. Unfortunately, the law does not bend when you trade your home for a bail bond and the person jailed jumps bail. You will have thirty days, at best, to remove all of your belongings from the home and find a place to live -- assuming the law allows it and the bail bond agent is generous. Read More …