
About Me
Finding A Better Loan

Do you remember the last time you ran out of money? If you are like most people, you might find yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for extra cash more often than not. I realized that I needed some extra money a few months ago when we were building a house and our daughter was hurt, so I started talking with different loan and financing professionals to see what my options were. After I sorted out what I needed, the experts really helped me to find a loan that worked with my lifestyle. Check out this blog for great information on loans.


What Happens If You Do Not Go To Court After Being Bailed Out Of Jail?

22 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are going to use a bail bondsman to get a friend or relative out of jail, you should realize the consequences you could face if your loved one failed to go to court after getting out. Going to court to face the criminal charges he or she has is a requirement when getting bailed out of jail, and there are several key consequences you could face and he or she could face from missing a court appearance. Read More …

Out On Bond? 3 Reasons You May Miss Your Court Date

26 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you were arrested and a court date has been scheduled for you to appear in from of the judge for you sentencing, it is crucial that you be thereā€”in the right place and at the right time. More than likely, you are out of jail on a bond, and if you miss your court date, the money that was paid will be owed to the bail bondsman, in addition to the criminal consequences that you will face on top of the original criminal penalties. Read More …

Arrested For The First Time? What To Know About Using A Bail Bond

26 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Encountering any experience for the very first time is always memorable, but when the first experience involves being arrested for a criminal offense, the memories you make are rarely ever pleasant. Fortunately, even this type of dire circumstance can be improved upon by using the bail bond system to avoid being stuck in jail while awaiting your court date. If you or someone you love has just been arrested and you need a better understanding of how the bail bond system works, the following information is sure to help. Read More …

Think All Bail Bonds Services Are The Same? Think Again!

26 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

No one ever expects to be arrested. In fact, most people probably assume that they will go through their entire lives without ever having any antagonistic encounter with the police. After all, why should you be concerned about arrests or bond if you are a law-abiding citizen? Unfortunately, the circumstances around an arrest are almost never that simple. It is possible to be caught up in events that are outside of your control or even to become the victim of a false arrest. Read More …

Have You Been Asked To Co-Sign A Bail Bond? What To Know Before Agreeing

28 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When a friend, relative, or coworker gets into trouble, most people want to help. But if the situation has the potential for legal or financial liability, the decision should always be carefully considered. A good example of this is when someone you know or love calls you from the county jail or a police holding facility and requests that you co-sign their bail bond agreement so that they can be released until their court date. Read More …